Western Australian Current Acts

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CHAPTER 1 -- Preliminary  

   1.      Short title
   2.      Commencement
   3.      Terms used M, MC
   3A.     Term used: land
   4.      Relationship with Taxation Administration Act 2003
   5.      GST, effect of on value or consideration
   6.      Determining family relationships
   7.      References to being wound up
   8.      Notes in text

CHAPTER 2 -- Transfer duty

   PART 1 -- Preliminary  

   9.      Terms used

   PART 2 -- Imposition of transfer duty  

   10.     Transfer duty imposed

   PART 3 -- Dutiable transactions and dutiable property

           Division 1 -- Dutiable transactions  

   11.     Dutiable transaction
   12.     Vesting of property by statute law
   14.     Transactions as to chattels alone not usually dutiable

           Division 2 -- Dutiable property  

   15.     Dutiable property
   16.     References to right
   17.     New dutiable property
   18.     Special dutiable property
   18A.    Things fixed to land that are to be permanently removed

   PART 4 -- Collection of transfer duty

           Division 1 -- Liability for transfer duty  

   19.     When liability for duty arises
   20.     Who is liable to pay duty
   21.     Joint tenants to be treated as tenants in common in equal shares

           Division 2 -- Lodging transaction records  

   22A.    Terms used
   22.     Transfer duty statement to be made if no instrument
   23.     Instrument or statement for dutiable transaction, duty to lodge
   24.     Form of dutiable transaction

           Division 3 -- Payment of transfer duty  

   25.     When duty must be paid

           Division 4 -- Rate of transfer duty  

   26.     Rate of transfer duty

           Division 5 -- Dutiable value

              Subdivision 1 -- Dutiable value  

   27.     Dutiable value of dutiable transactions, unless otherwise provided
   28.     Dutiable value of certain dutiable transactions
   29.     Dutiable value of certain dutiable transactions relating to corporation or unit trust scheme property on winding up

              Subdivision 2 -- Consideration  

   30.     Consideration for dutiable transaction
   31.     Changes to consideration before transfer, consequences of
   32.     Contingent consideration not paid, consequences of
   33.     Agreement by instalments determined before final payment, consequences of
   34.     Options conferred by dutiable transactions that are exercised or not renewed, consequences of
   35.     Option to acquire dutiable property, duty paid on to be credited

              Subdivision 3 -- Unencumbered value  

   36.     Determining unencumbered value of property
   36A.    Determining unencumbered value: fixtures and mining tenement fixtures

              Subdivision 4 -- Miscellaneous  

   37.     Aggregation of dutiable transactions
   38.     Transactions as to dutiable and not dutiable property, duty on
   39.     Partitions of property, dutiable values in case of
   40.     Exchanges of dutiable property, duty on

           Division 6 -- No double duty  

   41.     No double duty -- general
   42.     No double duty -- particular dutiable transactions
   43.     Persons related to purchaser for s. 42(2)(a)

           Division 7 -- Interim assessment of transfer duty  

   44A.    Interim assessment of transfer duty

   PART 5 -- Application of this Chapter to certain transactions

           Division 1 -- Simultaneous put and call options

              Subdivision 1 -- Terms used in this Division  

   44.     Terms used

              Subdivision 2 -- Simultaneous put and call options  

   45.     Call option of simultaneous put and call option to be taken to be agreement for transfer of option property
   46.     Simultaneous put and call option, dutiable value of
   47.     Dutiable transaction referred to in s. 45, duty paid on to be credited
   48.     Simultaneous put and call option not exercised or assigned, consequences of

              Subdivision 3 -- Assignment of call option  

   49.     Assignment of call option to be taken to be agreement for transfer of option property
   50.     Assignment of call option, dutiable value of
   51.     Dutiable transaction referred to in s. 49, duty paid on to be credited
   52.     Assigned call option not exercised or further assigned, consequences of

           Division 2 -- Discretionary trust acquisitions and surrenders

              Subdivision 1 -- Terms used in this Division  

   53.     References to partnership or trust holding property
   54.     References to taker in default
   55.     References to trust acquisition
   56.     References to trust surrender
   57.     When discretionary trust holds indirect interest in dutiable property

              Subdivision 2 -- Trust acquisitions and trust surrenders  

   58.     When person acquires interest in discretionary trust
   59.     Trust acquisition or trust surrender, dutiable value of
   60.     References to interest in discretionary trust of taker in default
   61.     Taker in default’s interest, value of for s. 59(b)
           62. When trust acquisition or trust surrender is not dutiable transaction

           Division 3 -- Corporate trustees

              Subdivision 1 -- Terms used in this Division  

   63.     Terms used
   64.     References to trustee of discretionary trust holding property
   65.     References to corporate trustee
   66.     When corporate trustee holds indirect interest in dutiable property

              Subdivision 2 -- Disposition of shares in a corporate trustee  

   67.     Share disposition taken to be agreement for transfer of trust property
   68.     Transaction referred to in s. 67, dutiable value of
   69.     Person liable to pay duty on disposition of share

           Division 4 -- Partnerships

              Subdivision 1 -- Terms used in this Division  

   70.     Term used: dutiable property
   71.     References to partnership or trust holding property
   72.     References to partnership acquisition
   73.     When partnership holds indirect interest in property
   74.     References to partner’s partnership interest

              Subdivision 2 -- Acquiring partnership interests  

   75.     When person acquires partnership interest
   76.     Partnership acquisition, dutiable value of
   77.     Partnership interest, value of for s. 76(b)
           78. Dutiable value of transfer of dutiable property to retiring partner
   78A.    Certain retained property taken to be transferred to retiring partner

           Division 5 -- Western Australian business assets

              Subdivision 1 -- Terms used in this Division  

   79.     Terms used

              Subdivision 2 -- Particular transactions involving business assets  

   80.     Some transactions involving business licences to be taken to be agreements for transfer
   81.     Transactions for particular WA business assets that are not dutiable transactions

              Subdivision 3 -- Dutiable value of dutiable transactions for business assets  

   82.     Dutiable transaction for business asset, dutiable value of
   83.     Certain business licences required by Cwlth law, dutiable value of for s. 82(a)
           84. Business licences required by WA law, dutiable value of for s. 82(b)
           85. Dutiable value of business asset where principal place of business is in WA
   86.     Dutiable value of business asset where principal place of business is out of WA

           Division 6 -- Conditional agreements  

   87.     References to conditional agreement
   88A.    General conditional agreements, no duty on if terminated on relevant grounds
   88.     References to farming land conditional agreement
   89.     References to mining tenement conditional agreement
   90.     References to issue of title conditional agreement
   91.     References to subdivision conditional agreement

           Division 7 -- Rights relating to fixed infrastructure  

   91A.    Terms used
   91B.    Some transactions involving fixed infrastructure statutory licences to be taken to be agreements for transfer
   91C.    Which transactions as to fixed infrastructure access rights and fixed infrastructure statutory licences are dutiable
   91D.    Dutiable value of fixed infrastructure statutory licences

           Division 7A -- Prospecting licences and related dutiable property  

   91DA.   Transactions as to prospecting licences or related dutiable property alone not usually dutiable

           Division 8 -- Derivative mining rights  

   91E.    Agreement for transfer of mining tenement conditional on grant of derivative mining right to transferor
   91F.    Agreement for transfer of mining tenement conditional on grant of derivative mining right to current right holder
   91G.    Transfer or agreement for transfer of mining tenement to holder of derivative mining right
   91H.    Acquisition of derivative mining right substantially the same as was held in relation to previous mining tenement
   91I.    Failure to grant, or surrender of, derivative mining right after transfer of mining tenement

           Division 9 -- Farm-in agreements and farm-in transactions

              Subdivision 1 -- Preliminary  

   91J.    Introduction to Division
   91K.    Terms used

              Subdivision 2 -- Explanation of farm-in agreements, farm-in transactions and related concepts  

   91L.    Farm-in agreements and concessional farm-in transactions
   91M.    Farm-in transactions and other concepts
   91N.    Exploration requirement and exploration amount

              Subdivision 3 -- Treatment of farm-in agreements and farm-in transactions for duty purposes  

   91O.    Consideration
   91P.    General rules relating to charging of duty
   91Q.    Changes to consideration
   91R.    No double duty

              Subdivision 4 -- Variations and other events affecting farm-in agreements and farm-in transactions  

   91S.    Farm-in transaction added to farm-in agreement
   91T.    Variation to farm-in transaction

              Subdivision 5 -- Other provisions  

   91U.    Farm-in transactions relating to prospecting licences
   91V.    Treatment of certain options under farm-in agreements
   91W.    Derivative mining right granted for purposes of exploration requirement for farm-in transaction

   PART 6 -- Exemptions, nominal duty and concessions

           Division 1 -- Exemptions

              Subdivision 1 -- Exemptions for public and governmental purposes  

   92.     Public authorities, declaration of as exempt bodies
   93.     Transactions for which exempt body would be solely liable
   94.     Transactions for which exempt body and another party would be liable, duty reduction for etc.
   95.     Transactions for charitable etc. purposes
   96A.    What is a relevant body
   96B.    Application for a beneficial body determination
   96C.    Beneficial body determination

              Subdivision 2 -- Certain transactions between spouses or de facto partners  

   96.     Terms used
   97.     Some transactions between spouses or de facto partners
   98.     Application for exemption under this Subdivision

              Subdivision 3 -- Family farm transactions  

   99.     Terms used
   100.    References to family member
   101A.   References to primary production
   101.    References to transferee
   102.    References to exempt family farm transaction
   102A.   Related entities for s.
   103.     Exempt family farm transactions, exemption for
   104.    No exemption for subsequent transactions for same farming property within 5 years
   105.    Subsequent liability to duty in certain circumstances
   106.    Application for exemption under this Subdivision

              Subdivision 4 -- Other exempt transactions  

   107.    Cancelled transactions
   108.    Bankruptcy transactions
   109.    Transfer etc. to foreign country’s representative etc.
   110.    Financial Sector (Business Transfer and Group Restructure) Act 1999 (Cwlth) Part 4 transactions
   111.    Special disability trust transactions
   112.    Some transactions under other Acts
   113.    Transactions effected by matrimonial instrument or de facto relationship instrument
   113A.   Certain incorporated association transactions

           Division 2 -- Nominal duty

              Subdivision 1 -- Certain trust transactions  

   114.    Some transfers etc. on vesting or termination of discretionary trust
   115.    Some transfers etc. on exercise of power of appointment by trustee of discretionary trust
   116.    Some transfers etc. of dutiable property to beneficiary
   117.    Transactions involving apparent purchaser
   118.    Transfers to and from bare trustee
   118A.   Transfers to and from bare trustee: failure to lodge subsequent transfer
   119.    Transactions related to changes in trustees and managed investment schemes
   120.    Transfer by way of security

              Subdivision 1A -- Transfers to facilitate subdivision of land  

   120A.   Transfers to facilitate subdivision of land
   120B.   Land retained by transferee following transfer to facilitate subdivision
   120C.   Transfers to facilitate subdivision: failure to lodge subsequent transfer within 5 years
   120D.   Subdivisions of land excluded from s. 120A and 120B
   120E.   References to transfer of land back to person

              Subdivision 2 -- Certain superannuation transactions  

   121.    Terms used
   122.    Relevant superannuation transactions for consideration
   123.    Subsequent liability in certain circumstances
   124.    Some transfers etc. of dutiable property to superannuation fund without consideration
   125.    Transfer from one superannuation fund to another
   126.    Some transfers etc. of dutiable property between trustees and custodians of superannuation funds
   127.    Some transfers etc. of dutiable property from superannuation fund to member, dependant or representative

              Subdivision 3 -- Transactions related to the break-up of a marriage or de facto relationship  

   128.    Terms used
   129.    References to matrimonial instrument
   130.    References to de facto relationship instrument
   131.    Transactions in accordance with matrimonial instrument or de facto relationship instrument
   132.    Reassessment of transaction if s. 131 becomes applicable
   133.    Evidence as to marriage or de facto relationship

              Subdivision 4 -- Other transactions  

   134.    Some transfers etc. of certain lots under planning scheme
   136.    Business licences held under Fish Resources Management Act 1994
   137.    Transfers etc. to change joint tenancy to tenancy in common etc.
   138.    Transactions to correct clerical errors in previous dutiable transactions
   139.    Some transactions involving deceased estates
   139A.   Some transfers and vestings under orders made under Guardianship and Administration Act 1990
   140.    Prescribed dutiable transactions

           Division 3 -- First home owner concessions  

   141.    Terms used
   142A.   Concessional first home owners
   142.    First home owner concessional transactions
   143.    First home owner concessional rate of duty
   144.    Application for first home owner concessional rate of duty
   145.    Subsequent liability in certain circumstances
   146.    Other provisions about first home owner concessions

           Division 4 -- Residential or business concessions  

   147.    Concessional rates for transactions referred to in Stamp Act 1921 s. 75AE

CHAPTER 3 -- Landholder duty

   PART 1 -- Preliminary  

   148.    Terms used
   149.    Determining entitlement to land assets and chattels
   149A.   Determining entitlement to land assets: fixtures and mining tenement fixtures
   150.    Unencumbered value of land assets or chattels

   PART 2 -- Imposition of landholder duty  

   151.    Landholder duty imposed

   PART 3 -- Certain key concepts defined and related provisions  

   152.    References to entity
   153.    References to interest in landholder or other entity
   153A.   References to interest in, or held by, trustee of discretionary trust
   153B.   References to interest in, or held by, partnership
   154.    Calculating interest in entity
   154A.   Calculating total direct or indirect interest in entity
   154B.   Determining interest in entity: uncompleted agreements

   PART 4 -- Landholders to which this Chapter applies  

   155.    Which entities are landholders
   156.    Which entities are linked to an entity
   156A.   Linked entities: acquisitions forming one arrangement
   157.    Value of land assets of linked entity for s.

   PART 5 -- Acquisitions to which this Chapter applies

           Division 1 -- Means by which interest acquired  

   160.    How person acquires interest in entity
   160A.   Acquisition of interest by merger of corporations

           Division 2 -- Relevant acquisitions of interests in landholders

              Subdivision 1 -- Definitions  

   161.    Term used: significant interest
   162.    Related persons for s.

              Subdivision 2 -- Relevant acquisitions  

   163.    Relevant acquisitions

              Subdivision 3 -- Exempt acquisitions  

   165.    Term used: acquisition
   166.    Effect of acquisition being exempt
   167.    Exemption or reduction of duty if nominal duty would be chargeable on transfer
   168.    Exemption or reduction of duty if transfer duty would not be chargeable
   169.    Exemption if acquisition is dutiable under s.
   170.     Exemption relating to approved arrangements with creditors under Corporations Act
   171.    Exemption of acquisition by family member of interest in landholder engaged in primary production

              Subdivision 4 -- Further provisions in respect of exemptions under section  

   172.    Calculation of duty where some land assets of landholder not used for primary production
   173.    Reversal of exemption where certain changes made to discretionary trust
   174.    No exemption where interest transferred within 5 years

   PART 6 -- Collection of landholder duty

           Division 1 -- Preliminary  

   175.    Term used: acquirer
   176.    When acquisition occurs
   177.    Certain transactions to be treated as agreements
   178.    Exceptions to s.

           Division 2 -- Liability  

   179.    Who is liable to pay duty
   180.    Application to Commissioner for determination of liability
   181.    Determination of s. 180 application
   182.    Powers of Commissioner where further information required for determination of s. 180 application

           Division 3 -- Payment of landholder duty  

   183.    When landholder duty must be paid

           Division 4 -- Rates of landholder duty  

   184.    Rates of landholder duty

           Division 5 -- Calculation of landholder duty  

   185.    References to interest of acquirer in landholder
   186.    Value of landholder
   187.    Determining value of further interest for duty calculation
   188.    Calculating duty payable
   189.    Reduction for s.
   193.     Calculation of duty where statement lodged under s.
   194.     Calculation of duty on certain acquisitions on winding up of corporation or unit trust scheme

           Division 6A -- Interim assessment of landholder duty  

   195A.   Interim assessment of landholder duty

           Division 6 -- Assessment or reassessment of liability for landholder duty if uncompleted agreements terminated or completed  

   195B.   Assessment of duty where s. 149(1) or 154B applied at acquisition time
   195C.   Assessment of duty where s. 176(2) applied at acquisition time
   195.    Reassessment of duty where s. 149(1) or 154B applied
   196.    Reassessment of duty where s. 176(2) applied
   197.    Condition precedent to reassessment under s. 195 or 196
           197A. Expired put and call options taken to be terminated
   198.    Taxation Administration Act not affected

           Division 7 -- Lodgment of statements  

   199.    Term used: acquisition statement
   200.    Acquisition statement or agreement to be lodged
   201.    Acquisition of further interests, lodgment of periodical statements may be approved
   202.    Lodgment obligations if s. 201 application refused
   203.    Form of acquisition statements
   204.    Failure to lodge acquisition statement

   PART 7 -- Application of this Chapter to certain acquisitions

           Division 1 -- Rights relating to fixed infrastructure  

   204A.   When fixed infrastructure access rights are taken into account in determining entitlement to land assets
   204B.   When fixed infrastructure statutory licences are treated as land assets in calculating duty
   204C.   Unencumbered value of fixed infrastructure statutory licences treated as land assets
   204D.   Associated entities for s. 204A and 204B

           Division 2 -- Derivative mining rights  

   204E.   Unencumbered value of mining tenement subject to derivative mining right

           Division 3 -- Acquisitions forming one arrangement  

   204F.   Acquisitions in 2 or more entities forming one arrangement
   204G.   Modified application of s. 176 if entity becomes landholder because of acquisitions forming one arrangement
   204H.   Reassessment of landholder duty if amount of duty chargeable changes because of acquisitions forming one arrangement

CHAPTER 3A -- Additional duty for foreign persons

   PART 1 -- Preliminary  

   205A.   Terms used
   205B.   Associate
   205C.   Foreign corporation
   205D.   Foreign trust
   205E.   Residential property

   PART 2 -- Foreign transfer duty

           Division 1 -- Preliminary  

   205F.   Terms used

           Division 2 -- Imposition of foreign transfer duty  

   205G.   Foreign transfer duty imposed

           Division 3 -- Foreign dutiable transactions  

   205H.   Foreign dutiable transaction
   205I.   New residential property

           Division 4 -- Collection of foreign transfer duty  

   205J.   When liability for duty arises
   205K.   Who is liable to pay duty
   205L.   Joint tenants to be treated as tenants in common in equal shares
   205M.   Foreign transfer duty declaration to be lodged
   205N.   When duty must be paid
   205O.   Rate of foreign transfer duty
   205P.   Dutiable value
   205Q.   No double foreign transfer duty
   205R.   Interim assessment of foreign transfer duty
   205RA.  Foreign transfer duty on deemed transaction under s. 120B(2)

           Division 5 -- Application of Chapter 2 PART 5 to certain transactions  

   205S.   Application of Chapter 2 PART 5 to foreign dutiable transactions
   205T.   References to residential trust acquisition
   205U.   References to residential trust surrender
   205V.   Dutiable value of residential trust acquisition or residential trust surrender
   205W.   Share disposition taken to be agreement for transfer of trust property
   205X.   References to residential partnership acquisition

           Division 6 -- Exemptions and reassessment

              Subdivision 1 -- Exempt transactions  

   205Y.   Transactions on which minimum, nominal or no transfer duty payable
   205Z.   Transactions relating to agreements for transfer of residential property

              Subdivision 2 -- Exemptions relating to construction, refurbishment and subdivision  

   205ZA.  Exemption relating to construction or refurbishment of 10 or more dwellings
   205ZB.  Exemption relating to subdivision for purpose of constructing 10 or more dwellings

              Subdivision 3 -- Reassessment  

   205ZC.  Reassessment

   PART 3 -- Foreign landholder duty

           Division 1 -- Preliminary  

   205ZD.  Terms used

           Division 2 -- Application of Chapter  

   205ZE.  Application of Chapter

           Division 3 -- Imposition of foreign landholder duty  

   205ZF.  Foreign landholder duty imposed

           Division 4 -- Residential landholders to which this PART applies  

   205ZG.  Which entities are residential landholders

           Division 5 -- Acquisitions to which this Part applies  

   205ZH.  Foreign landholder acquisitions

           Division 6 -- Collection of foreign landholder duty  

   205ZJ.  Rate of foreign landholder duty
   205ZK.  Calculation of foreign landholder duty where landholder duty calculated under s.
   205ZKA.  Modified application of s. 176 if entity becomes residential landholder because of acquisitions forming one arrangement

           Division 7 -- Interim assessment of foreign landholder duty  

   205ZL.  Interim assessment of foreign landholder duty

           Division 8 -- Exemptions and reassessment

              Subdivision 1 -- Exempt acquisitions  

   205ZM.  Exemption or reduction of foreign landholder duty if foreign transfer duty would not be chargeable
   205ZN.  Exemption for certain acquisitions treated as made under agreement referred to in s. 176(2)

              Subdivision 2 -- Exemptions relating to construction, refurbishment and subdivision  

   205ZO.  Exemption relating to construction or refurbishment of 10 or more dwellings
   205ZP.  Exemption relating to subdivision for purpose of constructing 10 or more dwellings
   205ZQ.  Calculation of duty where some land of landholder not part of parcel of land

              Subdivision 3 -- Reassessment  

   205ZR.  Reassessment

           Division 9 -- Lodgment of declaration  

   205ZS.  Foreign landholder duty declaration to be lodged
   205ZT.  Failure to lodge foreign landholder duty declaration

CHAPTER 4 -- Insurance duty

   PART 1 -- Preliminary  

   206.    Terms used

   PART 2 -- Imposition of insurance duty  

   207.    Insurance duty imposed
   208.    Contract of insurance
   209.    General insurance
   210.    Additional insurance in life insurance policy is general insurance
   211.    Premium
   212.    When premium paid

   PART 3 -- Collection of insurance duty

           Division 1 -- Liability  

   213.    Who is liable to pay duty
   214.    General insurer

           Division 2 -- Amount of insurance duty  

   215.    Amount of duty payable
   216.    Policies effecting general insurance and other insurance, duty on

           Division 3 -- Insurers  

   217.    General insurers to apply to be registered
   218.    Registration of general insurers
   219.    Return period of registered insurer
   220.    Registered insurers to lodge returns
   221.    Time for payment of duty by insurers
   222.    Cancelling registration of general insurers

           Division 4 -- Insured persons  

   223.    Some insured persons to lodge statements
   224.    Time for payment of duty by insured persons

   PART 4 -- General provisions as to insurance duty  

   225.    Insurer and intermediary to notify Commissioner of contracts of insurance
   226.    Refunds of duty if premium refunded
   227.    Records to be kept

CHAPTER 5 -- Vehicle licence duty

   PART 1 -- Preliminary  

   228.    Terms used

   PART 2 -- Imposition of vehicle licence duty  

   229.    Vehicle licence duty imposed
   230.    Vehicle and licence

   PART 3 -- Collection of vehicle licence duty

           Division 1 -- Preliminary  

   231.    Terms used

           Division 2 -- Liability  

   232.    Who is liable to pay duty

           Division 3 -- Assessment and payment of vehicle licence duty  

   233.    Assessment of duty
   234.    Applicant for licence to state dutiable value of vehicle etc.
   235.    Payment of duty

           Division 4 -- Amount of vehicle licence duty  

   236.    Amount of duty payable

           Division 5 -- Dutiable value of a vehicle  

   237.    Certain new vehicles, dutiable value of
   238.    Certain other vehicles, dutiable value of
   239.    Specialised vehicles, dutiable value of

   PART 4 -- Exemptions and nominal duty

           Division 1 -- Exemptions -- general  

   240.    If no vehicle licence fee payable under Vehicles Act
   241.    If transfer is a reconstruction transaction
   242.    If vehicle previously licensed to licence holder
   243.    If licence is for certain heavy vehicle
   244A.   If transfer is between spouses or de facto partners
   244B.   If agreement for purchase of vehicle is terminated or vehicle is returned
   244.    If licence is for prescribed class of person or vehicle etc.

           Division 2 -- Exemptions -- motor vehicle dealers  

   245.    Use of vehicle includes for minor incidental purposes
   246.    If licence is for vehicle in dealer’s trading stock, demonstrator vehicle or service demonstrator vehicle
   247.    If licence is for vehicle used for charitable etc. purposes
   248.    Change of permitted use of exempt vehicle, Commissioner to be notified
   249.    Change of use of exempt vehicle to non-permitted use, consequences of

           Division 3 -- Nominal duty  

   250.    Transactions chargeable with nominal duty

   PART 5 -- General provisions as to vehicle licence duty  

   251.    Failure to apply for transfer of licence
   252.    Seller to state dutiable value of vehicle etc.
   253.    Functions of CEO and Commissioner
   254.    Form of certain declarations
   255.    CEO’s duties
   256.    Records to be kept by dealers

CHAPTER 6 -- Certain exemptions for connected entities  

   257.    Terms used
   258.    Members of family
   259.    Relevant consolidation transaction
   260.    Relevant reconstruction transaction
   260A.   Consideration provided as loan
   261.    Predetermining certain questions
   262.    Application for exemption
   263.    Grant of exemption
   264.    Commissioner to be notified of certain events after exempt relevant transaction
   264A.   Automatic revocation of exemption
   265.    Revocation of exemption by Commissioner
   266.    Liability for duty and tax if exemption revoked
   266A.   Reduction of duty following automatic revocation or refusal of exemption
   266B.   Reduction of duty following automatic revocation or refusal of exemption resulting from relevant acquisition
   266C.   Property in relation to which landholder duty taken to be chargeable for s. 266B
           266D. Application of s. 266B and 266C to foreign transfer duty and foreign landholder duty

CHAPTER 6A -- Off-the-plan concession for transfer duty and foreign transfer duty  

   266E.   Terms used
   266F.   Concessional pre-construction agreement
   266FA.  Concessional under construction agreement
   266G.   New residential unit or apartment
   266H.   Concession day for agreement
   266I.   Unadjusted duty amount for agreement
   266J.   Determining when development for subdivision of land commences and is completed
   266K.   Reduction of duty on concessional off-the-plan agreement
   266L.   Concession amount
   266M.   Concession amount for concessional off-the-plan agreement relating to 2 or more properties
   266N.   Aggregation of transactions
   266O.   Application for off-the-plan concession

CHAPTER 7 -- General anti-avoidance provisions  

   267.    Term used: scheme
   268.    Tax avoidance scheme M, MC
   269.    Deciding whether proposed scheme would be disregarded under s.
   270.     Certain tax avoidance schemes, Commissioner may disregard
   271.    Statement in relation to determination

CHAPTER 8 -- Other general provisions

   PART 1 -- Duty endorsement  

   272.    Duty endorsed
   273A.   Duty endorsement: electronic conveyancing instruments
   273.    Endorsing transaction records as to duty paid etc.
   274.    Endorsement of duty that depends on duty paid on another transaction
   275.    Duty endorsement is evidence of certain matters

   PART 2 -- Enforcement  

   276.    Dutiable transactions etc. not to be registered etc. unless duty endorsed
   277.    Business licences not to be registered etc. unless duty endorsed or instrument lodged
   278.    Caveat as to dutiable transaction not to be registered unless transaction is duty endorsed or lodged
   279.    Use of transaction records in civil proceedings
   280.    Unlodged instruments, duty of non-party to lodge

   PART 3 -- Miscellaneous  

   281.    Transaction records etc., Commissioner’s power to destroy
   282.    Correction of errors
   283.    Amounts expressed in foreign currency
   284.    Application of Corporations Act s. 1070A(1)(a) limited
   285.    Regulations
   286.     Transitional provisions (Sch. 3)
           SCHEDULE 1 -- When liability for transfer duty on a dutiable transaction arises and the person liable to pay it
           SCHEDULE 2 -- Rates of transfer duty
           SCHEDULE 3 -- Transitional provisions

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