(1) A person acting
judicially in a proceeding in or before a recognized court has, in connection
with evidence being taken or a submission being received by video link or
audio link from a person in this State, the same privileges, protection and
immunity as a judge of the Supreme Court.
(2) A person appearing
as a legal practitioner in a proceeding in or before a recognized court has,
in connection with evidence being taken or a submission being received by
video link or audio link from a person in this State, the same protection and
immunity as a barrister has in appearing for a party in a proceeding, in or
before the Supreme Court.
(3) A person appearing
as a witness in a proceeding in or before a recognized court by video link or
audio link from this State has the same protection as a witness in a
proceeding in or before the Supreme Court.
[Section 127 inserted: No. 48 of 1998 s. 9.]