(1) It shall not be
lawful for any person to print or publish any question or inquiry which the
court —
(a) has,
under the provisions of the last preceding section, disallowed and has ordered
shall not be published; or
(b) has
informed the witness he is not obliged to answer and has ordered shall not be
(2) Every person who
prints or publishes any question in breach of this section commits a contempt
of court, and shall be liable to punishment for such contempt as if the
contempt had been committed in face of the court against which the contempt is
committed and on the like proceedings as in such, last-mentioned case.
[Section 27 amended: No. 46 of 2004 s. 12.]
Manner of giving evidence
[Heading inserted: No. 71 of 2000 s. 6.]