(1) All courts and all
persons acting judicially shall take judicial notice —
(a) of
the Commonwealth and the States and of every Australasian colony, and the
extent of their respective territories; and
(b) of
all Acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom and of the Commonwealth, and
of any State, and of any Australasian colony, passed before or after the
commencement of this Act.
(2) Any document
(whether in printed or electronic form) purporting to be a copy of any Act of
the Parliament of the United Kingdom or of the Commonwealth, or of any State,
or of any Australasian colony, whether passed before or after the commencement
of this Act, and purporting to be printed or published by the Government
Printer, shall prima facie be deemed to be a correct copy of such Act without
any further proof thereof.
The date which appears
on any such copy purporting to be the day on which such Act received the Royal
Assent, or was proclaimed to commence, shall be received for all purposes as
evidence of the date of such assent, or commencement.
[Section 53 amended: No. 13 of 2021 s. 58.]