Where by any Act of
the Commonwealth or of any State, power to make local laws, by-laws or
regulations is conferred upon any person or body, any document purporting to
be such local laws, by-laws or regulations, and to be printed or published by
the Government Printer or by the authority of the Government of the
Commonwealth or of the State, shall, before all courts and persons acting
judicially, be evidence —
(a) that
local laws, by-laws or regulations in the words set out in the document were
duly made by such person or body; and
(b) that
such local laws, by-laws or regulations have been approved of or confirmed by
the Governor-General or the Governor of the State, if they appear from the
document to have been so approved or confirmed.
[Section 78 amended: No. 14 of 1996 s. 4; No. 13
of 2021 s. 64.]