(1) When any court or
private way, common yard, urinal or other sanitary convenience, or when any
passage leading to the back of several buildings in separate occupation, is
not regularly and effectually swept and kept clean and free from rubbish or
other accumulation to the satisfaction of the local government, it may cause
such court, private way, common yard, urinal, or other sanitary convenience or
passage to be swept and cleaned.
(2) The expenses
thereby incurred shall be apportioned between the occupiers of the buildings
situated in the court or to the back of which the private way or passage
leads, or between the several occupiers of premises having the common use of
such yard, urinal, or sanitary convenience, in such shares as may be
determined by the local government, or as, in case of dispute, may be decided
by a court of competent jurisdiction, and in default of payment any share so
apportioned may be recovered from the occupier on whom it is apportioned.
[Section 117, formerly section 98, renumbered as
section 117: No. 38 of 1933 s. 42; amended: No. 14 of 1996 s. 4; No. 59 of
2004 s. 141.]
[ 118. Deleted: No. 36 of 2007 Sch. 4 cl. 4(6).]