Subject as last
aforesaid, any nuisance may be dealt with in manner following, that is to say:
(1) On the report of
any authorised officer or other person that the nuisance exists on any
premises, the local government may, and, if the Chief Health Officer so
requires, shall, by requisition to the owner and occupier of the premises,
require them to abate the nuisance in the manner and within the time specified
in the requisition.
(2) The owner and
occupier are hereby jointly and severally empowered and required to comply
with the requisition, and do whatever is necessary in order to effectually
abate the nuisance.
(3) If default is made
in duly complying with the requisition within the time specified therein, then
the owner and occupier each commits an offence.
(4) If such default
occurs, the local government shall cause the requisite work to be done at the
expense in all things of the owner and occupier, who shall be jointly and
severally liable therefor.
(5) All such expenses
shall be recoverable by the local government from the owner and occupier by
action in a court of competent jurisdiction, and until paid shall be a charge
on the house and buildings, and also on the land on which the same is built or
to which it appertains.
[Section 184, formerly section 148, renumbered as
section 184: No. 38 of 1933 s. 42; amended: No. 113 of 1965 s. 8(1); No. 24 of
1970 s. 12; No. 28 of 1984 s. 45; No. 80 of 1987 s. 49; No. 59 of 1991 s. 5;
No. 14 of 1996 s. 4; No. 59 of 2004 s. 141; No. 19 of 2016 s. 99 and 100.]