(1) The Committee is
to hold the meetings that are necessary for the performance of its functions.
(2) At any meeting of
the Committee, 5 members of the Committee or their respective deputies,
including the Chairperson or his or her deputy, constitute a quorum.
(3) A meeting of the
Committee may be held —
(a) by a
quorum of the members assembled together at the time and place appointed for
the meeting; or
(b) by
telephone or audio-visual or other electronic means, as long as —
all of the members who wish to participate in the meeting
have access to the technology needed to participate in the meeting; and
a quorum of members can simultaneously communicate with
each other throughout the meeting.
(4) Subject to this
section, the Committee may regulate its own procedure in whatever manner it
thinks fit.
(5) Nothing done by
the Committee is invalid or defective on the ground only that, when done,
there was —
(a) a
vacancy in the office of any member; or
(b) a
defect in the appointment of any member or any deputy of a member.
[Section 340H inserted: No. 19 of 2016 s. 48.]