After the expiration
of one month from the date of the last publication of the notice in the
Gazette prescribed by section 57, if the Minister is satisfied —
(a) that
the provisions of this Act have been complied with; and
(b) that
the revenue or periodical repayments estimated to be derived from the proposed
works is sufficient to justify the undertaking; and
(c) that
the works, if carried out in the manner designed, will be of benefit to the
district of the local government, or to that portion of the district of the
local government which the works are designed to serve; and
(d) that
the objections, if any, lodged are not sufficient to require the approval of
the Governor to be withheld from the proposed scheme,
he shall submit the
general plans, specifications, and estimates to the Governor for approval, and
if they are approved the Governor may forthwith make an order empowering the
local government to undertake the construction of the works, and such order
shall be notified in the Gazette .
[Section 60 inserted: No. 38 of 1933 s. 17 and 42;
amended: No. 16 of 1935 s. 3; No. 14 of 1996 s. 4.]