The local government
shall cause all sewers and drains under its control to be constructed and kept
so as not to be a nuisance or injurious to health, and shall keep the same
properly cleansed, and for that purpose may construct, either above or below
the ground, such reservoirs, sluices, engines, and fittings as it may think
necessary, and may cause all or any of such sewers or drains to connect with
and to be emptied into such places as it may think fit, and may cause the
sewage and refuse therefrom to be collected for sale or for any purpose
whatever, but not so as to create a nuisance.
[Section 71 inserted: No. 38 of 1933 s. 28 and 42;
amended: No. 14 of 1996 s. 4.]
[Heading inserted: No. 38 of 1933 s. 42; amended:
No. 14 of 1996 s. 4.]