(1) The Governor may,
by order published in the Gazette , declare a law of another State, a
Territory or another country or jurisdiction to be a corresponding law for the
purposes of this Act in relation to either or both of the following —
limited partnerships;
incorporated limited partnerships.
(2) The law of another
country or jurisdiction (other than another State or a Territory) cannot be
declared to be a corresponding law unless the Minister has certified to the
Governor that the law provides for the limitation of liability of certain
partners in certain partnerships or legal entities in the nature of
incorporated limited partnerships.
(3) The law of another
State or a Territory cannot be declared to be a corresponding law unless the
Minister has certified to the Governor that —
(a) the
provisions of the law are similar to the provisions of this Act; and
under that law the limitation of liability of limited partners in a limited
partnership formed under this Act extends to any liability incurred in
connection with the conduct of the partnership’s business in that State
or Territory, or will so extend if this Act is declared to be a corresponding
law under that law.
(4) This section is
additional to, and does not detract from, any rule of law under which
recognition is or may be given to a limitation of liability of a partner in a
partnership (including an external partnership).