Western Australian Current Acts

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   PART 1 -- Preliminary  

   1.      Short title
   2.      Commencement
   3.      Terms used
   4.      Poisons
   5.      Strictly controlled substances
   6.      Term used: manufacture
   7.      Terms used: prescription and related terms
   8.      Term used: supply
   9.      Supply and possession of poisons by pharmacy business
   10.     Relationship with Misuse of Drugs Act 1981
   11.     Act applies to the State

   PART 2 -- Offences  

   12.     Terms used
   13.     Offences relating to manufacture and supply of Schedule 2 and Schedule 3 poisons
   14.     Offences relating to manufacture, supply, prescribing and possession of Schedule 4 and Schedule 8 poisons
   15.     Offences relating to manufacture and supply of Schedule 5 and Schedule 6 poisons
   16.     Offences relating to manufacture, supply, use and possession of Schedule 7 poisons
   17.     Offences relating to manufacture, supply, use and possession of Schedule 9 poisons
   18.     Offences relating to supply and use of strictly controlled substances
   19.     Use of poison obtained under permit
   20.     Unlawfully obtaining poison by wholesale
   21.     Fraudulent behaviour to obtain supply of poison
   22.     Storage, handling, transport and disposal of poisons
   23.     Record keeping and reporting
   24.     Vending machines

   PART 3 -- Authorisation of health professionals

           Division 1 -- Authorisation of health professionals  

   25.     Authorisation of health professionals to administer, possess, prescribe, supply or use medicines
   26.     Authorisation of pharmacists to manufacture medicines or use or possess Schedule 7 poisons
   27.     Authorisation of employees and agents

           Division 2 -- Conditions, suspension and cancellation  

   28.     Grounds for taking action
   29.     CEO may impose conditions, suspend or cancel authority
   30.     Effect of conditions, suspension or cancellation
   31.     CEO may notify regulatory authority if action taken under this Division
   32.     Publishing notice of action taken under this Division
   33.     Review of decisions by State Administrative Tribunal

   PART 4 -- Licences, permits and notices

           Division 1 -- Licences and permits  

   34.     Licences
   35.     Licences for Schedule 9 poisons
   36.     Permits
   37.     Permits for Schedule 9 poisons

           Division 2 -- Licensing and permit procedure  

   38.     Application for licence or permit or renewal of licence or permit
   39.     Further information
   40.     Timing of application for renewal of licence or permit
   41.     Grant or renewal of licence or permit to individual
   42.     Grant or renewal of licence or permit to partnership
   43.     Grant or renewal of licence or permit to body corporate
   44.     Notice of decision
   45.     Form of licence or permit
   46.     Duration of licence or permit
   47.     Licence or permit not transferable
   48.     Application to vary licence or permit
   49.     Variation of licence or permit

           Division 3 -- Conditions on licences or permits  

   50.     Regulations may prescribe conditions
   51.     CEO may impose conditions
   52.     Application to vary conditions

           Division 4 -- Change of management or death of licensee or permit holder  

   53.     Term used: change of management
   54.     Unauthorised change of management
   55.     Application for approval of proposed change of management
   56.     Grant or refusal of approval of proposed change of management
   57.     Application for approval after change of management occurs
   58.     Grant or refusal of approval of change of management
   59.     Death of individual licensee or permit holder

           Division 5 -- Amendment, suspension or cancellation  

   60.     Grounds for taking action
   61.     CEO may amend, suspend or cancel licence or permit
   62.     Publishing notice of action taken under this Division

           Division 6 -- Review of licensing and permit decisions  

   63.     Review of decisions

           Division 7 -- General provisions  

   64.     False or misleading information
   65.     Amendment to correct error
   66.     Licence or permit to be produced if amended
   67.     Replacement licence or permit
   68.     Certified copy of licence or permit
   69.     Production of licence or permit for inspection
   70.     Return of licence or permit

           Division 8 -- Notices  

   71.     Compliance notices
   72.     Schedule 7 notices
   73.     Review of decisions

   PART 5 -- Register of licences, permits, notices and restricted professional authorities  

   74.     Terms used
   75.     CEO to maintain register
   76.     Inspection of register

   PART 6 -- Drugs of addiction

           Division 1 -- Preliminary  

   77.     Terms used

           Division 2 -- Self-prescription  

   78.     Self-prescription
   79.     Defence: emergency

           Division 3 -- Drug dependent persons  

   80.     Practitioner to inform CEO of drug dependent status of patient
   81.     CEO may include drug dependent person on drugs of addiction record
   82.     Recording and notification of drug dependent status
   83.     Supply or prescription of drugs of addiction to or for drug dependent persons

           Division 4 -- Oversupplied persons  

   84.     Practitioner to inform CEO of oversupplied status of client
   85.     CEO may include oversupplied person on drugs of addiction record
   86.     Recording and notification of oversupplied status
   87.     Supply or prescription of drugs of addiction to or for oversupplied persons

           Division 5 -- Drugs of addiction record  

   88.     Drugs of addiction record
   89.     Purposes for which drugs of addiction record is kept
   90.     Amending information in drugs of addiction record
   91.     CEO may authorise disclosure of information

           Division 6 -- Review of decisions by State Administrative Tribunal  

   92.     Review of decision to include person in drugs of addiction record

   PART 7 -- Investigation and enforcement

           Division 1 -- Preliminary  

   93.     Terms used
   94.     This Part’s relationship with other laws

           Division 2 -- Investigators  

   95.     Designation of investigators
   96.     CEO has functions of investigator
   97.     Police have functions of investigator
   98.     Identity cards
   99.     Production and display of identity card
   100.    Limitation on powers of investigators

           Division 3 -- Investigations  

   101.    Investigations: purpose and procedure
   102.    Entry powers
   103.    Powers after entry for investigation
   104.    Obtaining information and documents
   105.    Use of force and assistance
   106.    Obstruction
   107.    Directions generally
   108.    Investigator may supply, obtain and possess poison

           Division 4 -- Entry warrants  

   109.    Warrant to enter place
   110.    Issue of entry warrant
   111.    Effect of entry warrant
   112.    Execution of entry warrant

           Division 5 -- Seized things and forfeiture  

   113.    Forfeiture on conviction
   114.    Disposal of seized and forfeited property

           Division 6 -- Penalties and other orders  

   115.    General penalties
   116.    Order as to costs of analysis
   117.    Court to notify CEO of conviction of licensee, permit holder or authorised health professional

           Division 7 -- Liability of certain persons  

   118.    Liability of officers for offence by body corporate
   119.    Liability of members of partnership for acts of other members of partnership
   120.    Liability of principal for acts of agent
   121.    Liability of employer for acts of employee

           Division 8 -- Legal proceedings  

   122.    Who may commence proceedings
   123.    Time limit for prosecutions

           Division 9 -- Evidentiary matters  

   124.    Terms used
   125.    Application of Division
   126.    Evidence of various matters
   127.    Evidence of purpose or intent
   128.    Evidence in relation to documents
   129.    Evidence of analysis of substance
   130.    Presumptions arising from labels

   PART 8 -- Regulations  

   131.     General power to make regulations
   132.     Regulations may adopt codes

   PART 9 -- Miscellaneous  

   133.    Protection from liability for wrongdoing
   134.    Information officially obtained to be confidential
   135.    Review of Act

   PART 10 -- Repeals and transitional provisions

           Division 1 -- General  

   136.    Interpretation Act 1984 not affected

           Division 2 -- Repeals  

   137.    Poisons Act 1964 repealed
   138.    White Phosphorus Matches Prohibition Act 1912 repealed
   139.    Regulations repealed

           Division 3 -- Saving and transitional matters

              Subdivision 1 -- Poisons Act 1964  

   140.    Terms used
   141.    Continuation of licences and permits
   142.    Existing applications for licences or permits
   143.    Continuation of notices given to health professionals
   144.    Continuation of notices in relation to Schedule 6 poisons
   145.    Continuation of notices in relation to Schedule 7 poisons
   146.    Transitional regulations

              Subdivision 2 -- Drugs of Addiction Notification Regulations 1980  

   147.    Transfer of information from former register to drugs of addiction record

   PART 11 -- Consequential amendments

           Division 1 -- Health (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1911 amended  

   148.    Act amended
   149.    Section 3 amended
   150.    Section 5 amended
   151.    Part VIIA heading replaced

   PART VIIA -- Pesticides  

   152.    Part VIIA Division 1 heading replaced

           Division 1 -- Registration of analysts  

   153.    Section 202 deleted
   154.    Part VIIA Divisions 5, 6 and 7 deleted
   155.    Section 246A amended
   156.    Part VIIA Division 9 deleted
   158.    Section 377 amended
   159.    Schedule 5 amended

           Division 2 -- Health Professionals (Special Events Exemption) Act 2000 amended  

   160.    Act amended
   161.    Section 3 amended
   162.    Section 8 amended
   163.    Section 9 replaced
   9.      Supply of medicines 1
   164.    Section 11 amended

           Division 3 -- Misuse of Drugs Act 1981 amended  

   165.    Act amended
   166.    Section 3 amended
   167.    Section 3B inserted
   3B.     Specified drugs 1
   168.    Section 4 amended
   169.    Section 5B inserted
   5B.     Authorisation under Medicines and Poisons Act 2014 1
   170.    Section 5 amended
   171.    Sections 6 and 7 replaced
   6.      Offences concerned with prohibited drugs generally 1
   7.      Offences concerned with prohibited plants generally 1
   172.    Section 7B amended
   173.    Section 8 deleted
   174.    Section 14 amended
   175.    Section 27 amended
   176.    Section 38D amended
   177.    Section 41 amended
   178.    Schedule I heading amended
           Medicines and Poisons Act 2014  
   179.    Schedule II heading replaced
           Schedule II -- Plants to which this Act applies  
   180.    Schedule III amended 1
   181.    Schedule V amended

           Division 4 -- Other Acts amended  

   182.    Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act 2007 amended
   183.    Constitution Acts Amendment Act 1899 amended
   184.    Emergency Management Act 2005 amended
   76A.    Manufacture, supply and prescription of poisons 1
   185.    Fair Trading Act 2010 amended
   186.    Pharmacy Act 2010 amended
   51A.    Requirement to notify recording of information on register 1
   187.    Police (Medical and Other Expenses for Former Officers) Act 2008 amended
   188.    Road Traffic Act 1974 amended
   189.    Tobacco Products Control Act 2006 amended
   190.    Veterinary Chemical Control and Animal Feeding Stuffs Act 1976 amended
   191.    Workers’ Compensation and Injury Management Act 1981 amended
           Uncommenced provisions table
           Defined terms

An Act —
•         to regulate and control the manufacture and supply of medicines and poisons; and
•         to repeal the Poisons Act 1964, the White Phosphorus Matches Prohibition Act 1912 and various regulations; and
•         to amend the Health (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1911, Misuse of Drugs Act 1981 and various other written laws and,
for incidental and related purposes.

        [Long title amended: No. 19 of 2016 s. 170.]

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