(1) The Corruption and
Crime Commission must, as soon as practicable after 30 June in each year,
prepare a report of the exercise of powers under Division 3 for the preceding
12 months and give a copy of the report to the Minister and the Commissioner.
(2) The Commissioner
must advise the Minister of any information in the report that, in the
Commissioner’s opinion, should be excluded from the report before the
report is laid before each House of Parliament because the information, if
made public, could reasonably be expected to —
endanger a person’s safety; or
prejudice an investigation or prosecution; or
compromise any operational activities or methodologies of the Police Force.
(3) The Minister must
exclude information from the report if satisfied on the advice of the
Commissioner of any of the grounds set out in subsection (2); and
insert a statement to the effect that information has been excluded from the
report under paragraph (a).
(4) The Minister is to
cause a copy of the report to be laid before each House of Parliament within
15 sitting days from the day on which the report is received by the Minister.
(5) The report must
include comments on the comprehensiveness and adequacy of reports provided to
the Corruption and Crime Commission by the Commissioner.
[Section 20Y inserted: No. 16 of 2023 s. 6.]