(1) On receipt of a
destruction notice, a person may apply to the Commissioner to have a sample of
the thing identified in the notice analysed by an approved analyst.
(2) An application
must be —
(a) made
in the prescribed form; and
(b) made
within 21 days of the receipt of the notice; and
accompanied by the prescribed fee.
(3) If an application
is made under subsection (1), the Commissioner must —
request an approved analyst to analyse a sample of the thing and provide the
Commissioner with a report of the analysis; and
direct that the thing not be destroyed under the destruction notice.
(4) After considering
a report of the analysis of a sample of a thing provided by an approved
analyst, the Commissioner must —
(a) if
the Commissioner is satisfied that the thing is a psychoactive substance
— order that the thing be destroyed; or
(b) if
the Commissioner is satisfied that the thing is not a psychoactive substance
but is a relevant thing as defined in section 27(6) — order that the
thing be dealt with under section 27 as if it had been seized and detained
under section 26; or
(c) if
the Commissioner is satisfied that the thing is not a psychoactive substance
or a relevant thing —
order that the thing be released to the person from whom
it was seized; and
order that the fee paid by the applicant for a sample of
the thing to be analysed be refunded to the applicant.
[Section 8U inserted: No. 29 of 2015 s. 4.]