Western Australian Current Acts

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[s. 7.4]

Division 1 — Existing applications for mining tenements

1.         Definition

                In this Division —

        existing mining application means an application —

            (a)         for a Part 2 act or a Part 3 act to be done that would —

                  (i)         create or vary a right to mine; or

                  (ii)         renew, re-grant, remake or extend the term of an instrument creating a right to mine; and

            (b)         that —

                  (i)         was made before the commencement of Part 2 or Part 3, as the case may be; but

                  (ii)         was not granted before that commencement.

2.         Regulations may modify certain provisions

                The regulations may make provisions by which sections 2.14 and 3.13 are modified in their application to Part 2 acts and Part 3 acts to which existing mining applications relate to provide that all notices of those acts under sections 2.12 and 3.10 are to be given by the Government party.

3.         Programme for dealing with existing mining applications

        (1)         The regulations may make provisions that establish a programme by which the giving of notices under sections 2.12 and 3.10 of Part 2 acts and Part 3 acts to which existing mining applications relate are to be spread over a period of time.

        (2)         The purpose of the programme is to enable the processes in Parts 2 and 3 to be applied to the acts concerned in an orderly and effective manner.

        (3)         In particular, the regulations may provide, as part of the programme, for the giving of notices of acts relating to areas of the State specified in the regulations to be limited to a certain number of acts during a period so specified.

Division 2 — Matters in progress under section 24MD(6B) of the NTA

4.         Definition

        (1)         In this Division —

        section 24MD(6B) matter means, subject to this clause, an act, matter or circumstance that has occurred or come into existence before the commencement of Part 4 for the purpose of —

            (a)         the State meeting its obligations; or

            (b)         a person exercising rights or performing functions,

        under subsection (6B) of section 24MD of the NTA, or otherwise for the purposes of that subsection.

        (2)         The definition in subclause (1) includes notices given, time that has elapsed or commenced to run, objections made, requests for a hearing and, subject to subclause (3), proceedings commenced.

        (3)         The definition does not include —

            (a)         proceedings commenced if the independent person referred to in section 24MD(6B) has entered upon the proceedings to the extent of holding a hearing; or

            (b)         determinations or recommendations made.

5.         Regulations may make transitional provisions

        (1)         The regulations may make any provision of a transitional nature that is necessary or expedient to be made to ensure that, after the commencement of Part 4 —

                    (a)         all section 24MD(6B) matters are dealt with under that Part; and

                    (b)         there is an effective transition from the provisions of section 24MD(6B) of the NTA to the provisions of that Part.

        (2)         Without limiting subclause (1), the regulations may make provision for the continuing effect of section 24MD(6B) matters, whether with or without modification, and for those matters to be treated as if they had occurred or come into existence for the purposes of Part 4.

        (3)         Provision may be made as mentioned in subclause (2) despite the fact that a section 24MD(6B) matter does not fully comply with a requirement of Part 4.


This is a compilation of the Native Title (State Provisions) Act 1999 . For provisions that have come into operation see the compilation table. For provisions that have not yet come into operation see the uncommenced provisions table.

Compilation table

Short title

Number and year



Native Title (State Provisions) Act 1999
Pt. 1 and s. 2.2, 3.1, 7.1, 7.2 and 7.4

60 of 1999

10 Jan 2000

10 Jan 2000 (see s. 2(1))

Uncommenced provisions table

To view the text of the uncommenced provisions see Acts as passed on the WA Legislation website.

Short title

Number and year



Native Title (State Provisions) Act 1999 Pt. 2 (except s. 2.2), Pt. 3 (except s. 3.1), Pt. 4-6, s. 7.3 and
Sch. 1 and 2

60 of 1999 (as amended by No. 59 of 2004 s. 141 cl. 107; No. 77 of 2006 s. 17)

10 Jan 2000

Pt. 2 (except s. 2.2), Pt. 3 (except s. 3.1) and Pt. 5 Div. 4 operative day to be determined under Commonwealth Native Title Act 1993 , s. 43A (see s. 1.2(3)-(5));
Pt. 4 to be proclaimed (see s. 1.2(2));
Pt. 5 Div. 1-3 and Pt. 6 operative on the earlier of the commencement of Pt. 2 (except s. 2.2) or Pt. 4 (see s. 1.2(2) and Gazette 22 Aug 2000 p. 4845);
s. 7.3 operative on earliest of commencement of Pt. 2 (except s. 2.2), Pt. 3 (except s. 3.1) and Pt. 4 (see s. 2(6))

Defined terms

[This is a list of terms defined and the provisions where they are defined. The list is not part of the law.]

Defined term         Provision(s)
Chief Commissioner         1(4)
closing day         1(4)
Commission         1(4)
Commonwealth Minister         1(3)
consultation parties         1(4)
existing mining application         Sch. 3 cl. 1
Government party         1(4)
member         1(4)
negotiation parties         1(4)
objector         1(4)
ordinary member         1(4)
Part 2 act         1(4)
Part 3 act         1(4)
Part 4 act         1(4)
proponent         1(4)
recommendation         1(4)
registered native title rights and interests         1(4)
relevant land         1(4)
responsible Minister         1(4)
section 24MD(6B) matter         Sch. 3 cl. 4(1)
written law         1(5)

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