(1) The applicant must
advertise the application in a newspaper circulating throughout the State.
(2) The advertisement
must contain —
(a) the
applicant’s name and address; and
(b) a
map and description of the blocks applied for that are sufficient for the
blocks to be identified; and
(c) the
address of the Minister; and
(d) a
statement that —
advises that the applicant has applied for a retention
licence for the blocks described in the notice; and
invites comment from the public on the application; and
requests that comments be sent to the applicant and the
Minister within 30 days after the day on which the advertisement is published.
(3) The advertisement
must be published —
(a) as
soon as possible after the applicant makes the application; and
(b) in
any case, subject to subsection (4), within 14 days after the day on which the
applicant makes the application.
(4) If —
(a) the
applicant applies to the Minister within the 14 day period referred to in
subsection (3) for an extension of the period; and
(b) the
Minister extends the period,
the advertisement must
be published within the period as extended by the Minister.