(1) An application
under section 197 or 198 must —
(a) be
made in accordance with the approved form; and
(b) be
made in the approved manner; and
specify the blocks for which the application is made; and
include details of —
the activities that the applicant intends to carry out on
the block or blocks covered by the application; and
the amount of money that the applicant intends to spend
on those activities; and
the technical qualifications of the applicant and of the
applicant’s employees who are likely to be involved in activities
authorised by the licence; and
the technical advice available to the applicant; and
the financial resources available to the applicant; and
if the licence is to be held by more than one person, the
share of the licence that each prospective holder will hold;
(e) be
accompanied by maps that —
relate to the blocks; and
comply with the regulations;
specify an address for service of notices under this Act and the regulations.
For paragraphs (a) and
(b) see section 41.
(2) The applicant may
include in the application any other information that the applicant thinks is