(1) A person may apply
to the Minister for approval of the transfer.
(2) The application
must be in writing.
(3) The application
must be accompanied by —
(a) the
transfer document (duly signed or executed); and
(b) a
copy of the transfer document; and
(c) if a
caveat holder has consented to the registration of the transfer under
section 350(1), a copy of the consent.
(4) The application
may include a statement of any matter that the applicant wants the Minister to
take into account in deciding whether to approve the transfer.
(5) Without limiting
subsection (4), the application may include a statement about —
(a) the
technical qualifications of a party to the transfer; or
(b) the
technical qualifications of the employees of a party to the transfer; or
(c) the
technical advice available to a party to the transfer; or
(d) the
financial resources of a party to the transfer.
(6) The application
must be accompanied by the fee prescribed by the regulations.