[s. 16(1)]
The area the boundary of which commences at a point that is the intersection
of the coastline at mean low water by the boundary between the States of South
Australia and Western Australia and runs thence southerly along the geodesic
to a point of Latitude 31° 45′ South, Longitude 129° East,
thence southerly along the meridian of Longitude 129° East to its
intersection by the parallel of Latitude 44° South, thence westerly along
that parallel to its intersection by the meridian of Longitude 110° East,
thence northerly along that meridian to its intersection by the parallel of
Latitude 17° South, thence north-easterly along the geodesic to a point
of Latitude 12° 24′ South, Longitude 121° 24′ East,
thence south-easterly along the geodesic to a point of Latitude 12°
56′ South, Longitude 122° 06′ East, thence south-easterly
along the geodesic to a point of Latitude 13° 20′ South, Longitude
122° 41′ East, thence easterly along the geodesic to a point of
Latitude 13° 19′ 30″ South, Longitude 123° 16′
45″ East, thence easterly along the parallel of Latitude 13°
19′ 30″ South to its intersection by the meridian of Longitude
124° 27′ 45″ East, thence north-easterly along the geodesic
to a point of Latitude 13° 13′ 15″ South, Longitude 124°
36′ 15″ East, thence north-easterly along the geodesic to a point
of Latitude 12° 46′ 15″ South, Longitude 124° 55′
30″ East, thence north-easterly along the geodesic to a point of
Latitude 11° 51′ South, Longitude 125° 27′ 45″
East, thence north-easterly along the geodesic to a point of Latitude 11°
44′ 30″ South, Longitude 125° 31′ 30″ East,
thence north-easterly along the geodesic to a point of Latitude 10°
21′ 30″ South, Longitude 126° 10′ 30″ East,
thence north-easterly along the geodesic to a point of Latitude 10°
13′ South, Longitude 126° 26′ 30″ East, thence
north-easterly along the geodesic to a point of Latitude 10° 05′
South, Longitude 126° 47′ 30″ East, thence south-easterly
along the geodesic to a point of Latitude 11° 13′ 15″ South,
Longitude 127° 32′ East, thence south-easterly along the geodesic
to a point of Latitude 11° 48′ South, Longitude 127° 53′
45″ East, thence south-easterly along the geodesic to a point of
Latitude 12° 26′ 30″ South, Longitude 128° 22′
East, thence south-easterly along the geodesic to a point of Latitude 12°
32′ 45″ South, Longitude 128° 24′ East, thence
south-easterly along the geodesic to a point of Latitude 12° 55′
30″ South, Longitude 128° 28′ East, thence southerly along
the meridian of Longitude 128° 28′ East to its intersection by the
parallel of Latitude 13° 15′ 30″ South, thence south-easterly
along the geodesic to a point of Latitude 13° 39′ 45″ South,
Longitude 128° 30′ 45″ East, thence south-easterly along the
geodesic to a point of Latitude 13° 49′ 45″ South, Longitude
128° 33′ 15″ East, thence south-easterly along the geodesic
to a point of Latitude 14° South, Longitude 128° 42′ 15″
East, thence south-easterly along the geodesic to a point of Latitude 14°
19′ 30″ South, Longitude 128° 53′ East, thence
south-easterly along the geodesic to a point of Latitude 14° 32′
30″ South, Longitude 129° 01′ 15″ East, thence
southerly along the geodesic to a point of Latitude 14° 37′
30″ South, Longitude 129° 01′ 45″ East, thence
southerly along the geodesic to the intersection of the coastline at mean low
water by the boundary between the Northern Territory of Australia and the
State of Western Australia, thence along the coastline of the State of Western
Australia at mean low water to the point of commencement.