(1) If an apprehended
person needs a medical examination, an authorised officer, as soon as
practicable, is to arrange for the person to be medically examined by a
suitably qualified person.
(2) The authorised
officer is to continue detaining the apprehended person subject to section 7
unless —
(a) the
apprehended person is referred under the Mental Health Act 2014 section 26(2)
or (3)(a) for an examination by a psychiatrist at an authorised hospital or
another place; or
(b) the
person who medically examines the apprehended person directs that the person
be left in his or her charge.
(3) If an authorised
officer arranges for a person to be medically examined the officer must record
the fact, the name of the person conducting the examination, and the date and
time when the person was examined.
[Section 10 amended: Gazette No. 25 of 2014 s.