(1) Notwithstanding
(a) the
severance by conveyance, surrender or otherwise of the reversionary estate in
any land comprised in a lease; and
(b) the
avoidance or cesser in any other manner of the term granted by a lease as to
part only of the land comprised therein,
every condition or
right of re-entry, and every other condition contained in the lease, shall be
apportioned, and shall remain annexed to the severed parts of the reversionary
estate as severed, and shall be in force with respect to the term whereon each
several part is reversionary, or the term in the part of the land as to which
the term has not been surrendered, or has not been avoided or has not
otherwise ceased, in like manner as if the land comprised in each severed
part, or the land as to which the term remains subsisting, as the case may be,
had alone originally been comprised in the lease.
(2) In this section
right of re-entry includes a right to determine the lease by notice to quit or
otherwise; but where the notice is served by a person entitled to a severed
part of the reversion so that it extends to part only of the land demised, the
lessee may within one month determine the lease in regard to the rest of the
land by giving to the owner of the reversionary estate therein a counter
notice expiring at the same time as the original notice.