The assumptions that a
person is, because of section 39 or 40, entitled to make are —
that, at all relevant times, this Act has been complied with;
(b) that
a person who is held out by the Authority to be the chief executive officer,
another member of staff, or an agent of a particular kind —
has been properly appointed; and
has authority to perform the functions customarily
performed by the chief executive officer, another member of staff, or an agent
of that kind, as the case may require;
(c) that
a member of staff or agent of the Authority who has authority to issue a
document on behalf of the Authority has authority to warrant that the document
is genuine;
(d) that
a member of staff or agent of the Authority who has authority to issue a
certified copy of a document on behalf of the Authority has authority to
warrant that the copy is a true copy;
(e) that
a document has been properly sealed by the Authority if —
it bears what appears to be an imprint of the
Authority’s common seal; and
the sealing of the document appears to comply with
section 51;
(f) that
the Authority’s chief executive officer, other members of staff, and
agents have properly performed their duties to the Authority.