[s. 2]
[Heading inserted: No. 19 of 2010 s. 5.]
Commencing at a point in the Kalgoorlie station yard at which connection can
be made to the existing 4 feet 8½ inches gauge Commonwealth railway and
proceeding thence in a general westerly direction to a point adjacent to
Koolyanobbing Hill on the area leased to Broken Hill Pty. Co. Ltd. (Yilgarn
Loc. 1425) and thence in a general south-westerly and southerly direction to a
point adjacent to Southern Cross Station and thence alongside the 3 feet 6
inches gauge railway built under Act number 55 Victoriae 12 of 1892 3 to East
Northam and thence in, a north-westerly direction along the valley of the Avon
River to Toodyay and thence generally in, a north-westerly, westerly and
south-westerly direction, along the valley of the Avon River to a point
alongside The Midland Railway Company of Western Australia Limited’s
railway about 7½ miles north of Midland Junction and thence in a
southerly direction alongside The Midland Railway Company of Western Australia
Limited’s railway to a point about 3 miles north of Midland Junction and
thence in a south-easterly direction to a point alongside the 3 feet 6 inches
gauge railway at Bellevue and thence alongside the 3 feet 6 inches gauge
railway built under Act numbered 44 Victoriae 18 of 1881 3 to a point between
East Perth and Perth.
[First Schedule inserted: No. 64 of 1963 s. 5.]
[Second Schedule deleted: No. 64 of 1963 s. 6.]