(1) Where this section
applies to a water resource, the Minister may by notice in writing served on a
person give directions to the person —
restricting —
the amount of water that the person may take from the
water resource; or
the rate at which the water may be taken by the person
from the water resource; or
the purpose for which the water taken from the water
resource may be used by the person;
prohibiting —
the taking of water by the person from the water
resource; or
the purpose for which water taken from the water resource
by the person may be used;
imposing on the person obligations in terms of any combination of the matters
in paragraphs (a) and (b).
(2) A person on whom a
notice is served under subsection (1) must not —
(a) take
or use water; or
cause or permit water to be taken or used,
in contravention of
the directions given to the person in the notice.
Penalty: $4 000 and a daily penalty of $400.
(3) A notice served on
a person under subsection (1) —
(a) is
to contain reasons for the direction; and
takes effect —
when it is served; or
at the later time provided for in the notice.
(4) The Minister may
at any time revoke or vary a notice by further notice served on the person
[Section 26GC inserted: No. 49 of 2000 s. 40;
amended: No. 38 of 2007 s. 101(1).]