(1) As soon as
practicable after a restraining order is served on the person who is bound by
the order, the person who served the order is to —
complete the proof of service copy of the order; and
cause it to be delivered to the registrar.
(2) As soon as
practicable after the registrar receives the proof of service copy of a
restraining order, the registrar is to notify the applicant, and in the case
of an application under section 24A(1)(b) or (2), the person on whose behalf
the application was made, that the order has been served.
(3) A notification
under subsection (2) may be given in such manner as the registrar thinks fit,
including, if authorised by the person who is to receive the notification, by
email, text message to a mobile phone number or some other form of electronic
communication using contact details provided by the person.
[Section 59 inserted: No. 5 of 2008 s. 100;
amended: No. 13 of 2020 s. 38.]