(1) The Governor may
make regulations prescribing all matters that are required or permitted by
this Act to be prescribed, or that are necessary or convenient to be
prescribed to give effect to the purposes of this Act.
(2) Without limiting
subsection (1), regulations may be made in relation to —
practices and procedures to be followed; and
(b) the
manner in which firearm items and firearms authorisations, and explosives and
explosives licences, are to be —
given up by a person who is bound by a restraining order;
delivered to, and dealt with by, a prescribed person;
facilitating the effective operation of restraining orders which prohibit or
restrict a person from being in possession of a firearm item or any
explosives; and
forms to be used; and
(e) fees
to be paid; and
orders as to costs.
[Section 73 amended: No. 38 of 2004 s. 49; No. 49
of 2016 s. 80; No. 30 of 2020 s. 82; No. 13 of 2022 s. 80 and 81.]