(1) A person who
contravenes any provision of this Act or does not do that which, by or under
this Act, he is required or directed to do, commits an offence against this
(2) A person who, when
required to do so under this Act, fails to furnish within a reasonable time
thereafter any information which the Council or an authorised officer has
asked for in relation to any matter, or furnishes false or misleading
information, commits an offence.
(3) Where an offence
is committed by a person by reason of his failure to comply with any provision
of this Act by or under which he is required or directed to do any thing
within a particular period, that offence shall, for the purposes of this
section, be deemed to continue so long as the thing so required or directed to
be done by him remains undone, notwithstanding that the particular period has
(4) A person who
commits an offence against this Act for which no penalty is provided elsewhere
than in this subsection is liable to a fine of $1 000, and, if the offence is
a continuing one, to a further fine of $50 for every day on which the offence
has continued.