(1) In this section
external administration means external
administration under the Corporations Act 2001 (Commonwealth) Chapter 5;
external administrator means a person appointed
under the Corporations Act 2001 (Commonwealth) for the purposes of the
external administration of the operator of a retirement village.
(2) This section
applies if the operator of a retirement village is the subject of both —
(a) the
appointment by an order under section 75B of a statutory manager; and
(b) the
appointment of an external administrator.
(3) The statutory
manager is under a duty to tell the external administrator of the appointment
of the statutory manager, whether the appointment precedes, follows or happens
at the same time as the appointment of the external administrator.
(4) The appointment of
the statutory manager continues to have effect while the operator is subject
to external administration, but the statutory manager may perform any function
that the statutory manager is appointed by an order under section 75B to
perform —
(a) only
if authorised in writing by the external administrator to do so; and
subject to any condition or limitation specified in that authorisation.
[Section 75G inserted: No. 36 of 2012 s. 16;
amended: No. 42 of 2024 s. 48(1).]