(1) If on an
application under section 126 a court is satisfied —
(a) that
the circumstances of the offender were wrongly or inaccurately presented to
the court when it was sentencing the offender; or
(b) that
the circumstances of the offender have so altered since the court passed
sentence that the offender will not be able to comply with the requirements of
the CRO or community order,
and that it is just to
do so, the court may make an order under subsection (2) but otherwise it must
confirm the CRO or community order.
(2) If a court may
make an order under this subsection, it may either —
amend the CRO or community order; or
cancel the CRO or community order and sentence the person for the offence for
which the CRO or community order was imposed in any manner the court could if
it had just convicted the person of that offence.