(1) The standard
obligations of CSI are that the offender —
(a) must
report to a community corrections centre within 72 hours after being released
by the court, or as otherwise ordered by the speciality court or a CCO; and
(b) must
notify a CCO of any change of address or place of employment within 2 clear
working days after the change, or as otherwise ordered by the speciality
court; and
(c) must
not leave Western Australia except with, and in accordance with, the
permission of the speciality court or the CEO (corrections); and
(d) must
comply with section 76 of the Sentence Administration Act 2003 .
(2) The references to
the speciality court in this section and sections 84A and 84C only have effect
if Division 4 applies and are references to the speciality court referred to
in section 84N(1)(a) or (b).
[Section 83 inserted: No. 27 of 2004 s. 5;
amended: No. 65 of 2006 s. 49.]
[Section 83. Modifications to be applied in order
to give effect to Cross-border Justice Act 2008: section altered 1 Nov 2009.
See endnote 1M.]