In this Act, unless
inconsistent with the context or subject matter —
Body corporate means “The Salvation Army
(Western Australia) Property Trust,” as incorporated by this Act.
Deed of Constitution means the hereinbefore
recited Deed Poll of 7 August 1878.
General means the General (formerly called General
Superintendent) for the time being of The Salvation Army under its
Said recited Deeds Poll means the Deed of
Constitution and the hereinbefore recited Deeds Poll of 26 July 1904 and 1
June 1920.
Salvation Army means the religious society or
organisation referred to in the hereinbefore recited Deeds Poll of 7 August
1878, 26 July 1904 and 1 June 1920.
Trustees means the persons for the time being
constituting the body corporate.
Will includes codicil and every other testamentary