(1) A person dealing
with SBSA or an SBSA subsidiary is not obliged to enquire whether property to
which the transaction relates is or is not a transferred asset.
(2) A person dealing
with BSAL is not obliged to enquire whether property to which the transaction
relates is or is not a transferred asset.
(3) If SBSA or an SBSA
subsidiary was entitled to property before the appointed day, and after that
day, SBSA or the SBSA subsidiary, or BSAL, purports to deal with the property
as if entitled to it, the transaction is valid even though the body corporate
purporting to deal with the property is not entitled to do so because the
property is, or is not, a transferred asset.
(4) This section does
not validate a transaction if the party dealing with SBSA, the SBSA subsidiary
or BSAL has actual notice of the deficiency of title, or acts fraudulently.