In this Act —
appointed day means a day fixed as the appointed
day by proclamation under the South Australian Act;
asset means property including property held in a
fiduciary capacity;
BSAL means the public company with the name
“Bank of South Australia Limited” formed under the Corporations
CEO of BSAL means the chief executive officer of
BSAL (however described) or a delegate of the chief executive officer;
corresponding law means the South Australian Act
or a law of another State or a Territory providing for the transfer of assets
and liabilities between —
(a) SBSA
or SBSA subsidiaries; and
document includes any disc, tape or other medium
in which information is stored;
guarantee includes indemnity;
instrument includes a legislative instrument and a
judgment, order or process of a court;
legal proceedings includes an arbitration and an
administrative proceeding;
liability means a present, future or contingent
liability (arising either at law or in equity) and includes a duty or
non-pecuniary obligation;
property means real or personal property and
includes —
(a) a
chose in action; and
(b) a
present, future or contingent right, privilege, interest or power;
SBSA means the State Bank of South Australia or,
according to the context, that body as continued in existence under the name
the “South Australian Asset Management Corporation”;
SBSA subsidiary means any company specified in, or
classified by proclamation under, the South Australian Act as an SBSA
security means —
(a) a
mortgage, charge, lien, or pledge; or
(b) a
guarantee; or
(c) any
other security for, or instrument relating to, the payment of money or the
discharge of any other liability;
South Australian Act means the State Bank
(Corporatisation) Act 1994 of South Australia, as amended from time to time;
South Australian Treasurer means the Treasurer of
South Australia, and includes, in relation to a particular power or function
under this Act, a Minister of the Crown in right of South Australia exercising
or performing the power or function by delegation of the Treasurer of South
transfer period means the transfer period within
the meaning of the South Australian Act;
transferred asset means an asset transferred to
BSAL (and not re-transferred to SBSA or an SBSA subsidiary) under this Act or
a corresponding law;
transferred liability means a liability
transferred to BSAL (and not re-transferred to SBSA or an SBSA subsidiary)
under this Act or a corresponding law;
Treasurer means the Treasurer of this State.