(1) The Commissioner
must, before cancelling or suspending the registration of registered premises
under this Act, give a written notice to the accommodation provider for the
(2) The notice must
specify the proposed decision to cancel or suspend the registration; and
specify the grounds for the proposed decision; and
(c) in
the case of a suspension, specify the proposed period of suspension and any
proposed conditions for lifting the suspension; and
(d) if
the Commissioner is proposing to rely on a certificate under section 29,
include particulars of the certificate; and
invite the accommodation provider to make a submission as to why the
registration should not be cancelled or suspended; and
specify a reasonable time within which the accommodation provider may respond
to the notice.
(3) The Commissioner
is not required to consider a submission made after the time specified in the
notice for making a submission.
(4) If an
accommodation provider makes a submission in accordance with this section, the
Commissioner must consider the submission before determining whether to
suspend or cancel the registration of the premises.
(5) This section does
not apply if the accommodation provider for the premises has applied for the
registration to be cancelled.