A strata titles scheme
is a scheme for the creation of strata titles on registration of the scheme so
as to —
effect a physical division of a parcel of land into —
2 or more lots; or
2 or more lots and common property;
allow for the lots to be owned and sold or otherwise dealt with separately;
require the common property to be administered by a strata company that comes
into existence under this Act on registration of the strata titles scheme; and
limit how the common property may be dealt with.
[Section 7 inserted: No. 30 of 2018 s. 83.]
[Former section 7 renumbered as section 87 and relocated to Part 7 Division 2:
No. 30 of 2018 s. 84.]
[ 7A. Deleted: No. 30 of 2018 s. 82(b).]
[Former section 7B renumbered as section 89 and relocated to Part 7 Division
2: No. 30 of 2018 s. 84.]