(1) The Minister may,
by notice published in the Gazette , amend a determination notice but only for
the purpose of correcting —
(a) a
clerical mistake; or
(b) an
accidental slip or omission; or
(c) an
error in the way in which the amending Bill or a provision of the Bill is
referred to.
(2) The Minister
cannot determine a provision of a Bill to be a pre-enactment provision more
than once.
(3) If —
(a) a
determination notice ( original notice ) was made in respect of provisions of
a Bill while it was before the Legislative Assembly; and
(b) the
Bill was amended by the Legislative Assembly; and
(c) the
Bill is before the Legislative Council,
then despite
subsection (2) the Minister may make a replacement determination notice
revoking the original notice and determining specified provisions of the Bill,
as introduced into the Legislative Council, to be pre-enactment provisions for
the purposes of section 133.
(4) In relation to a
replacement determination notice the reference in section 131(2)(c) to the day
on which the notice came into force is taken to be a reference to the day on
which the original notice came into force.
[Section 132 inserted: No. 31 of 2008 s. 28.]