(1) Subject to
Division 2 of Part 6 of the Land Administration Act 1997 in the case of
conditional tenure land, a mortgage and a charge under this Act shall when
registered as hereinbefore provided have effect as a security but shall not
operate as a transfer of the land thereby mortgaged or charged; and in case
default be made in payment of the principal sum interest or annuity secured or
any part thereof respectively or in the performance or observance of any
covenant expressed in any mortgage or charge or hereby declared to be implied
in any mortgage and such default be continued for one month or for such other
period of time as may therein for that purpose be expressly fixed the
mortgagee or annuitant or his transferees may serve on the mortgagor or
grantor or his transferees notice in writing to pay the money owing on such
mortgage or charge or to perform and observe the aforesaid covenants (as the
case may be).
(2) Service of the
notice referred to in subsection (1) is not properly effected unless —
(a) the
notice is delivered personally to the mortgagor or the grantor or his
transferees, as the case requires; or
(b) the
notice is sent by registered post to —
the address entered in the Register as the address of the
mortgagor or the grantor or his transferees, as the case requires; or
the address known to the mortgagee or the annuitant or
his transferees as the current address of the mortgagor or the grantor or his
transferees, as the case requires;
(c) the
notice is left in a conspicuous place on the mortgaged or charged land; or
(d) the
notice is sent to the mortgagor or the grantor or the mortgagor’s or
grantor’s transferees, as the case requires, in compliance with a way of
sending notices electronically (for example, to an email address) that is
prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this paragraph.
(3) A notice may be
sent under subsection (2) to the number of the facsimile machine of the
mortgagor or the grantor or the mortgagor’s or grantor’s
transferees, as the case requires, if, under subsection (2)(d) as in force
immediately before the commencement of the Transfer of Land Amendment Act 2022
section 24(1)(b), the mortgagor, the grantor or the transferee has specified
in writing that notices under this section may be served by facsimile
[Section 106 amended: No. 81 of 1996 s. 66; No. 31
of 1997 s. 108; No. 10 of 1998 s. 69(1); No. 21 of 2022 s. 24.]