The expense of any
survey which the Commissioner shall cause to be made under section 160 shall
in the first instance be defrayed out of the Consolidated Account but every
applicant who after such subdivision shall apply to bring any portion of the
land comprised in such subdivision under this Act or to have a certificate
created and registered or amended or for a relevant graphic to be amended or
replaced as to any such land for the first time after such subdivision shall
in addition to any other moneys chargeable in such case paid to the Registrar
(to be by him paid into the Consolidated Account) such amount as the
Commissioner shall under his hand certify to be in his judgment an equitable
share of such expense to be contributed in respect of the land comprised in
such application.
[Section 165 amended: No. 6 of 1993 s. 12; No. 81
of 1996 s. 97; No. 6 of 2003 s. 53; No. 77 of 2006 s. 4.]