(1) On an application
to bring land under this Act or for an amended certificate or for the
amendment or replacement of a relevant graphic the land included in the
certificate to be created and registered or amended or in the relevant graphic
shall at the request of the applicant and may at the discretion of the
Commissioner notwithstanding sections 25 and 48A(1) be described by its
abuttals in the certificate, in a relevant graphic or in both.
(2) Any abuttal so
used may be described by the name by which it is commonly known and with or
without the name of its reputed owner; and if the abuttal is upon or consists
of land under this Act the number of the certificate of the land constituting
the abuttal or on which the abuttal stands shall be mentioned.
(3) Abuttals shall be
used in addition to and not in substitution for dimensions unless the
Commissioner shall specially authorise the land or any boundary of the land
being described by abuttals only.
[Section 168 amended: No. 81 of 1996 s. 101; No. 6
of 2003 s. 58; No. 19 of 2010 s. 51.]