(1) Before refusing to
register, note, file or record a document in the circumstances set out in
section 192D(3), the Registrar may give notice of the non-compliance to the
person who lodged the document.
(2) A notice given
under subsection (1) —
(a) must
be served on the person who lodged the document; and
(b) must
specify a period within which the non-compliance must be rectified; and
(c) may
specify how the non-compliance is to be rectified.
(3) If a notice of
non-compliance is given under subsection (2) in relation to a document —
(a) the
notice is to be taken to be a notice given under section 192(1) in relation to
the document; and
section 192 applies accordingly with all necessary changes.
[Section 192E inserted: No. 2 of 2014 s. 82.]