(1) A person qualified
to be the Commissioner of Titles may be, and may perform the functions of,
both the Commissioner of Titles and the Registrar of Titles.
(2) Any act, matter,
or thing which is required by this Act to be —
referred by the Registrar of Titles to the Commissioner of Titles; or
(b) done
or proceeded with or granted or refused by the Registrar of Titles by the
direction or order or with the consent or approval of the Commissioner of
Titles, or after the Commissioner of Titles has been satisfied of any facts,
may be dealt with by a
person who is both the Registrar of Titles and the Commissioner of Titles
without any reference, or on his own initiative or judgment, or pursuant to
any order or direction made or given by himself, as in the circumstances of
the case may appear to be most convenient.
(3) Nothing in this
section shall be deemed to extend the powers of any Assistant Registrar.
[Section 7A inserted: No. 5 of 1925 s. 2; amended:
No. 60 of 2006 s. 107.]