(1) The Registrar,
upon receipt of written notice from the Minister for Lands that any Crown
lease has been forfeited or determined in whole or in part, shall make an
entry to that effect on the original lease and call in the lessee’s part
(2) If there is a
mortgage or sublease registered against the lease so forfeited or determined,
the Registrar shall serve the mortgagee or sublessee with 30 days’
notice of his intention to make such entry within which time the mortgagee or
sublessee may carry out the conditions of the lease and apply to the Minister
for Lands to waive the forfeiture.
(3) The Minister for
Lands may, by notice to the Registrar, allow a longer period than 30 days.
(4) Unless the
forfeiture or determination is cancelled by the Governor in Council under the
Land Act 1898 1 , or is waived by the Minister for Lands under subsection (2),
then at the expiration of such days or such longer period as the Minister for
Lands shall allow, such forfeiture and determination shall become absolute.
[Section 81F inserted: No. 54 of 1909 s. 8 (as
amended: No. 17 of 1950 s. 75); amended: No. 81 of 1996 s. 54.]