(1) The Minister for
Lands may at any time apply, whether on behalf of another person or on his own
initiative, to the Registrar for —
(a) the
cancellation of a qualified certificate of Crown land title in respect of a
parcel of Crown land and its replacement with a certificate of Crown land
title created and registered in respect of that parcel; or
(b) the
creation and registration of a certificate of Crown land title or qualified
certificate of Crown land title.
(2) If the Registrar
(a) is
satisfied in respect of an application made under subsection (1) that any
interests in, or caveats or dealings in respect of, the relevant Crown land
are clearly identified and that there is, in the case of 2 or more such
interests or caveats, no dispute concerning the respective priorities of those
interests or caveats, the Registrar shall grant that application; or
(b) is
not so satisfied, the Registrar may refuse that application or refer it to the
[Section 81V inserted: No. 31 of 1997 s. 104(1).]