(1) When the Registrar
grants an application made under section 81V(1)(a), whether under
section 81V(2)(a) or under a direction made under section 81W(4) or (5), the
Registrar shall —
create a certificate of Crown land title in an approved form in respect of the
parcel of Crown land referred to in the qualified certificate of Crown land
title cancelled as a result of the granting of that application; and
endorse on the certificate of Crown land title in correct order of priority
particulars of the interests, caveats and dealings —
set out in that qualified certificate of Crown land
title; or
specified in information provided in compliance with a
requirement made under clause 45(2) of Schedule 2 to the Land Administration
Act 1997 ,
or both, as the case
requires, together with a memorandum of any reservation or vesting made under
the repealed Act and affecting that parcel.
(2) After complying
with subsection (1), the Registrar shall register the certificate of Crown
land title referred to in that subsection.
[Section 81Y inserted: No. 31 of 1997 s. 104(1).]