(1) A certificate may
be issued under this section for the following purposes —
(a) any
legal proceedings under this Act;
(b) to
verify the accuracy of information provided to an interstate passenger
transport authority under Part 7.
(2) The CEO or a
person authorised by the CEO may issue a certificate stating —
(a) that
on a specified date or during a specified period, a specified passenger
transport authorisation was subject to specified conditions; or
(b) that
on a specified date or during a specified period, a specified regular
passenger transport authorisation applied to specified routes or within
specified areas; or
(c) that
on a specified date or during a specified period, a specified passenger
transport vehicle authorisation applied to a specified category of passenger
transport service; or
(d) that
on a specified date a person was disqualified from holding or obtaining an
on-demand booking service authorisation or a passenger transport driver
authorisation for a specified period; or
(e) that
a specified exemption granted under this Act did or did not apply to a
specified person or a specified vehicle at a specified time; or
(f) that
a specified requirement imposed under this Act did or did not apply to a
specified person or a specified vehicle at a specified time; or
(g) that
a specified person had or had not notified the CEO of a change of address; or
(h) that
a specified document was or was not lodged, or a specified fee was or was not
paid, by a specified person.
(3) A certificate
purporting to be issued under this section is evidence and, in the absence of
evidence to the contrary, proof of any fact stated in the certificate.