In this Division
eligible taxi-car operator , in relation to a
relevant licence, means a taxi-car operator who meets the eligibility criteria
determined under section 261B(1)(a) for a regional assistance payment in
relation to the licence;
relevant licence means a licence that —
(a) was
issued under the Transport Co-ordination Act 1966 Part IIIB before that Part
was repealed on 2 July 2019; and
(b) was
not a temporary taxi-car licence as defined in the Transport (Country
Taxi-car) Regulations 1982 regulation 4 as in force immediately before 2 July
taxi-car operator , in relation to a relevant
licence, means a person who, immediately before 2 July 2019 —
either —
held the relevant licence; or
was a party to an agreement to acquire the relevant
licence from the holder of the relevant licence;
(b) was
carrying on a business for the operation of a taxi-car
under the authority of the relevant licence; or
leasing rights under the relevant licence to another
person who was carrying on such a business.
[Section 261A inserted: No. 10 of 2020 s. 7.]