(1) This section
applies if —
(a) a
patient has made a practitioner administration decision; and
(b) the
coordinating practitioner for the patient has prescribed a voluntary assisted
dying substance for the patient; and
(c) the
administering practitioner for the patient (the original practitioner ) is
unable or unwilling for any reason to administer the prescribed substance to
the patient, whether the original practitioner is the coordinating
practitioner for the patient or a person to whom the role of administering
practitioner has been transferred under subsection (2).
(2) The original
practitioner must transfer the role of administering practitioner to another
person who is eligible to act as an administering practitioner for the patient
and accepts the transfer of the role.
(3) If a person (the
new practitioner ) accepts the transfer of the role, the original practitioner
must —
inform the patient of the transfer and of the name and contact details of the
new practitioner; and
record the transfer in the patient’s medical record; and
within 2 business days after the acceptance of the transfer, complete the
approved form (the administering practitioner transfer form ) and give a copy
of it to the Board.
(4) The administering
practitioner transfer form must include the following —
(a) the
name, date of birth and contact details of the patient;
(b) the
name and contact details of the original practitioner;
(c) the
name and contact details of the new practitioner;
(d) the
date when the new practitioner accepted the transfer;
(e) the
date when the patient was informed of the transfer;
(f) the
signature of the original practitioner and the date when the form was signed.
(5) If the original
practitioner has possession of the prescribed substance when the role is
transferred —
(a) the
original practitioner is authorised to supply the prescribed substance to the
new practitioner; and
(b) the
new practitioner is authorised to receive the prescribed substance from the
original practitioner.
(6) The coordinating
practitioner for the patient remains the coordinating practitioner despite any
transfer of the role of administering practitioner under subsection (2), but
subject to section 157.