(1) In this section
medication chart means a chart (however described)
that records medicines used, or to be used, for the treatment of the patient.
(2) This section
applies if the coordinating practitioner for a patient prescribes a voluntary
assisted dying substance for the patient.
(3) The prescription
issued by the coordinating practitioner (the prescription ) must include
(a) a
statement that clearly indicates it is for a voluntary assisted dying
substance; and
(b) a
statement —
certifying that the request and assessment process has
been completed in respect of the patient in accordance with this Act; and
certifying that the patient has made an administration
decision and specifying whether the decision is a self-administration decision
or a practitioner administration decision;
(c) the
telephone number of the patient.
(4) The prescription
cannot be in the form of a medication chart.
(5) The prescription
cannot provide for the prescribed substance to be supplied on more than 1
(6) The coordinating
practitioner must give the prescription directly to an authorised supplier.