(1) Regulations may be
made under section 68 for the purposes of controlling the use of veterinary
chemical products.
(2) Without limiting
subsection (1), regulations referred to in that subsection —
(a) may
prohibit, restrict or otherwise regulate the use of veterinary chemical
products; and
(b) may
have effect by reference to approved labels or to registration under Part 2 of
the Agvet Code of Western Australia; and
(c) may
provide for the duties and obligations of veterinarians or other persons in
relation to the use of veterinary chemical products; and
(d) may
provide for the keeping of records and a system of declarations or returns in
relation to the use of veterinary chemical products, and for the verification
of the information supplied; and
(e) may
provide for the imposition of penalties, not exceeding $5 000, for offences
against those regulations.
[Section 15 inserted: No. 76 of 2004 s. 8;
amended: No. 19 of 2021 s. 237(5).]
[Heading inserted: No. 76 of 2004 s. 8.]