In this Act unless the
context requires otherwise —
Commonwealth Act means the States Grants (War
Service Land Settlement) Act 1952 of the Commonwealth Parliament;
Land Act means the Land Administration Act 1997 ;
repealed Acts means the War Service Land
Settlement Agreement Act 1951 and Acts repealed by that Act;
scheme means the war service land settlement
scheme which prior to the coming into operation of this Act has been carried
out and given effect, under the repealed Acts and which after the coming into
operation of this Act is to continue to be carried out under this Act;
tenure means such estates or interests in land
whether of perpetual leasehold or otherwise as the Governor is authorised and
thinks fit to grant in order to carry out the scheme;
Transfer of Land Act means the Transfer of Land
Act 1893 .
[Section 4 amended: No. 31 of 1997 s. 141.]